Hannah 滿月已經過17天了。媽媽懷孕時就想幫她記錄一下成長,結果Hannah一生下來,全家就忙的天翻地覆。每天好像也沒什麽事,可是光是弄她的吃喝拉撒,外加哄哄小傢伙,就累死了。現在來補記錄一下吧。
滿月體重:4.8kg vs. 出生時3.3kg
滿月身高:56cm vs. 出生時 49cm
10天左右 – 換尿片會把兩隻腳擡起來等大人換,明顯喜歡聼人説話
18天 – 回到臺灣,第一次發現她對新的地方充滿好奇,會啊啊啊的要求大人帶她到處看 – 從此每天都需要帶她到處看 – 真是可愛又可怕。
25天 – 脖子越來越有力氣了,抱和趴的時候有時可以成功的把頭換邊。
27天 – 會跟著聲音轉頭,看看誰在説話。聼人家説話,可以非常專心的聼很久,超有興趣的。
Hannah’s really subjected everyone to slaving after her in the little while she’s been in this world. Her mom and grandma’s life objectives have tentatively simplified to 3 goals: keeping Hannah fed, changed, and not crying … and we are barely making it (and sleep deprived too). Babies are so much work!
Lucky for Hannah that she’s so incredibly adorable – her mother, for one, would confess that any other project requiring this much work would be abandoned or be up for some serious corner cutting or other forms of abuse immediately.
My grand realization thus far: Yes! It’s really true: You have to teach babies everything (except crying and pooping). According to the books, we have lessons like “using your neck”, “fine motor skills” …etc. to look forward to teaching her. I didn’t think these skills need to be taught! But then what if Hannah grows up unable to use her finger to scrape cookie dough from a bowl ... that would certainly leave some permanent emotional scars. So we better get some formal lessons ready.
Hannah did learn/become better at a few things on her own during her first month of life (Thank goodness). For those who care, here’s the short list:
1. Hannah laughs/smiles a lot more now, especially in the morning. She will smile back at people smiling at her when she’s in a good mood.
2. Hannah knows to raise her legs when we change her or when she wants to be changed.
3. Hannah tracks people and voices with her eyes and loves listening to conversations.
4. Hannah loves to look around and would demand that the person holding her patrol the house so she could check out her environment.
5. Hannah will grab the shirts (or the skin) of the person holding her to enhance the safety of her position (or so her mom thinks).
6. Hannah has started to lift her head. Her arms and legs are also a lot stronger now.
Also, Hannah gained 3.3 lbs and grew 2.75 inches in her first month.
All in all, we survived the first month. Let’s hope things become easier from here – as we can’t imagine what harder would be like.