During our second time attending a playgroup, our kiddo became much more friendly and interactive (unlike last time).
人家媽媽後來招架不住我們丫頭的食量,還猛用嬰兒手語給丫頭比 "沒了"。。。身為媽媽,我在一旁真是無言啊!
Hannah attempted to interact with all the babies and was very alert to the happenings in the room. When one mom took out a cookie for her own baby, Hannah quickly crawled over and cling onto the mom until she gave her some of the cookie (notice that the mom had to sign "finished" to Hannah to try to get her to go away at the end).
接下來我們丫頭越玩越熱情豪放,一把抓起人家一歲的日本哥哥猛親,人家日本哥哥根本招架不住,於是我們的初吻就這樣在滿七個月當天送出去了 - 還是她強送人家的。
第一次見面就這樣是不是有點不太對頭啊!Playgroup 學社交不是要你這樣學啦!
Then our Hannah grabbed a good looking one year old boy and kissed him (twice).
There goes her first kiss - not exactly the kind of social skills mom intended for her to perfect.