
健身時間大罷工 Tummy Time on Strike


Hannah shall not be manipulated - she refused to perform on her 3rd tummy time - she may be young but she has learned that swimming generally doesn't get her anywhere on land. (Mr. Giraffe in front of camera is dumb founded watching an infant going on strike).

健身時間 Tummy Time

第一個孩子照書養,Hannah 現在每天都有健身時間,其實主要就是趴在地上,理論上來説,小孩會擡頭,用手撐地,加強頸部和手的肌肉。可能是才開始(這是第二次),咱們小胖妞好像拿不太到竅門,表演的活像是在旱地溺水。

Perhaps due to lack of practice (this is her second time), Hannah's tummy time basically looks like she's drowning on land.