
Hannah 滿四個月了 I'm 4 months old






I am 4 months old today. Weighting in at almost 8KG.

I play all the time - grabbing whatever I can get my hands on. I even tried "smoking" my bottle - which really cracked Grandma up.

I need to be with people all the time - or else I'll scream and then wail. This is mom's major source of headache. Other than this, I am a pretty easy baby.

Finally, I can almost hold my own bottle now. I have been practicing it for almost a month now - and was able to feed myself close to an entire bottle of milk a couple of times.

秘密武器 Secret Weapon

我媽媽說這真是人類偉大發明之一,新店阿公阿媽叫它“秘密武器” - 每次我哭得大家束手無策的時候,一拿出來,我就不哭啦,就要忙著研究它啦。舅舅也不知道去哪裏弄來這個好東西。


Mommy said this is one of the greatest inventions of mankind. Grandpa and Grandma call it "the secret weapon". I stop crying and get myself busy studying this thing every time mommy takes it out. It works like a charm. Major props to Uncle Su-Yang for giving it to me. Mom didn't even know such miracle product exists.

I was still crying and screaming my head off 5 seconds prior to the following video was shot ... and magic happened.