
跟小阿姨撒嬌 Stick Like Glue to Little Auntie

Hannah 想無尾熊一樣賴在人身上時,真是讓人難以拒絕。

So hard to resist Hannah when she hold on to you this way.

嬰兒洗脖子 How to Wash Hannah's Neck

奶奶示範怎麽洗米其林寶寶的脖子。小胖丫頭胖到連脖子都不見啦 - 肉肉下巴下面還會藏一堆污垢,媽媽想幫她清,她叫的活像媽媽在殺小豬 - 奶奶的技術就高超多了,她竟然連吭都不吭。

Grandma demonstrates how to properly bathe a baby. Chubby Hannah often accumulates dirt/dead skin in the creases of her neck. Whenever Mommy tries to clean it for her, she screams like a little piggy being slaughtered. Grandmas skills are clearly superior in this regard.