這兩天在新店阿媽家,阿媽常常和Hannah玩唱歌遊戲- 當然是唱Hannah能發出音的‘啊啊歌’啦。
Hannah 跟別人都不太肯唱,跟新店阿媽倒是很認真的想要把歌唱好。所以教唱歌就變成新店阿媽的絕活啦。
比起一個月前,Hannah 現在好像知道這首“歌"是有好幾個“啊”組成的,而且音都不一樣。所以她現在每次跟著阿媽唱,都不是像以前只念一兩聲“啊”。都會很認真的連發一長串的“啊”音。
Hannah had a few days of intensive singing lessons with grandma this week - singing "ah" up and down the scale again. She really only responds to Grandma as far as singing lessons go.
She now seems to grasp that there are multiple "ah"s in her "song" - so you hear a string of "ah"s from her each time she sings (instead of only one or two "ah"s as before).
Sometimes, Hannah also seems to observe that she's terribly out of tune (or at least that her "singing" is not quite the same as that of grandma's); that's when you see her frowning and attempting to adjust her tongue/the shape of her mouth to imitate better.
She would even choke on her own saliva in her attempt. Now, that's dedication.
Since Hannah's singing lessons occur at random times of the day at random locations, mommy often was only able to catch the last parts of them (if at all). So here is a short compilation.
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