Hannah 現在超級愛玩的! 只要她覺得你在跟她玩, 她就興致勃勃的笑開懷。
以下影片是姨婆和Hannah玩躲貓貓,Hannah 當鬼。
Our little girl's job is to play all day. She's all into it. Whenever she realizes you are there to play with her, she rewards you with big smiles and giggles.
Her favorite game now is hide and seek. She giggles with delight and pride whenever she manages to find you.
Grand Auntie said Hannah also knows to play the person hiding. And if you call out that you've found her, the kid would start to scream and crawl really fast, scrambling for a new place to hide.
Mommy thinks maybe our little one's little head is really starting to make sense of the world around her.
For an example, Hannah has seen other babies drinking from their bottles numerous times. Not once did she express any interest in such sights - what? babies using bottles? isn't that how things are suppose to be? boring ...
But a few days ago, in an attempt to coax a teary Hannah to accept her bottle (she now prefers real breasts and protests bottles with tears and screams), Mommy sucked on a bottle to show her.
Hannah immediately burst into laughter watching mommy's actions - as if she had just encountered the funniest sight ever - adults drinking from baby bottles. She laughed hard each time Mommy put the bottle in Mommy's mouth.
Does the kid really understand? or is this a fluke?
The video below is of Grand Auntie playing hide and seek with Hannah (Grand Auntie is the one hiding).
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