
去大板根玩 Hiking in the Dabangen Park






1。會明確的說nei-nei 討奶喝,懂得奶的手語。一肚子餓,就爬向媽媽,nei-nei, nei-nei 不停地念。而且開始聼的懂一些關鍵字 - 譬如 "no"和 “baby signing time" (她最愛的dvd) - 說要放baby signing time,她就送你一個大笑容。不過說 “no”,那就要看她有多想玩眼前的東西啦 - 太想玩的時候她就給你一個充耳不聞 - 雖然她真的是懂的。




5。懂得一點點自我保護 - 要扶的新東西站起來前會先搖搖它,覺得牢固才會借力站起來。放在沙發上想下來,會先用手背探探底,兩隻手都撐不到地的時候,就要大人救她。。。不過如果大人不救她,她考慮再三後,還是會不顧一切的往下跳 - 不自由,吾寧死。不要命了。

6。最近開始分離焦慮高峰期,家裏人少的時候就超級黏媽媽,很慘。。。 媽媽連廁所都不能上,否則30秒之内他可以狂哭到吐。。。接下來就要洗床單,衣服,被子。。。慘慘慘。人多的時候,就沒有問題啦。

Went to Dabangen Park with Grandparents from Gaoxiong last week.

It's a beautiful place! Nice recommendation from Grand Auntie.

Daddy carried Hannah on a sling for the first time on that trip - since no one was able to carry the 23lb giant baby up the hill for an hour.

Hannah's recent progress:

1. Can say Nei-Nei for milk. Understand keywords such as "no" and "baby signing time“(her favorite DVD). Her understanding of "no" fluctuates with her mood and inclination to obey; no such issue with "baby signing time" - say it and she will beam you a big smile.

2. Loves people. She'll wave and celebrate with smiles and claps when people (especially people she knows) enter the room. Such hospitality melts our hearts.

3. Is becoming increasingly interested in the functionality of things. She will open drawers to explore and copy mommy's actions when fiddling with objects.

4. Has 6 teeth now.

5. Knows to protect herself (a little bit) - she'll test objects for steadiness before holding onto them to stand up. She will also use her arms to test the depth of any drop when moving from one surface to another (such as getting down from the sofa). If the drop is too much for her taste, she'll ask for help - and if she can't get help, odds are she will eventually risk her life for freedom and leap anyway. So, can't exactly leave her to her own devices yet.

6. She's at the height of separation anxiety (according to the books) and the symptoms are the worst when few adults are in the house. Mom really hopes she gets over this soon!

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