
修電視 Fixing the TV







媽媽過來查看她"ohoh!" 什麽,順便拿起遙控器重新設定。一囘頭,哎呀,笑死人了。。。只見小丫頭已經爬上沙發,四平八穩的坐的好的不得了,信心滿滿的等著電視好起來。




所以她並不覺得電視要在沙發上才能看,她只是認爲電視 ”壞掉“ 上沙發就能修,修好了就可以下去看。

所以你看影片裏面(兩個禮拜前的錄的),小丫頭真的是不屈不撓,一 “修好” 就下去看,“一修” 好就下去看,完全不願意呆在沙發上。


The fact that Hannah loves the TV has been evident since when she was 3 months old.

She would even turn on the TV on her own if she could reach the switch.

I hate the fact that the kid stands next to the TV watching it; so whenever I can I'd pause the video until the kiddo gets back on the sofa.

Well, starting from about 3 months ago, our little 'genius' has bought into the belief that sitting on the sofa is the secret to fixing tv problems of all sorts. It must makes perfect sense to her why couch potatoes surf on the couch. I even caught her quickly getting on the sofa after she accidentally switched the TV to AV mode - confident that the TV would be "fixed" just by her sitting there. 

A funny little girl!

It is too bad that because we most frequently resort to DVDs when we have other things to take care of and cannot spend time with her. As a result, she mostly gets to watch the TV at whatever distance she likes and doesn't think she necessarily has to stay on the sofa after she "fixed" the TV.

The video below was taken 2 weeks ago - note her remarkable determination to watch the TV up close after every "fix".

Looks like Daddy will have work to do with Hannah's little eyes.

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