一個多月前的影片了。丫頭跟高雄阿公阿媽越來越玩的起來了。 This video was from over a month ago. Hannah has been enjoying her time with her grandparents more and more. Hope this trend continues after mommy goes to HK.
剛剛開始用叉子筷子,技術有待加強。丫頭對麵條能否留在他的叉子,筷子上很沒有信心,總是搶著低頭去接快要掉下來的麵條。 Hannah's chopstick & fork skills could use some work - but she compensates by putting her head down and rescuing her noodles before they fall.
上個月從高雄回來的時候,停了一下台南鹽田。小丫頭現在很愛美了,以前給她太陽眼鏡根本就戴不住,現在是戴上了脫不下來。 This video was from a month ago when we visited a salt field in Tainan. Our little girl is beginning to love dressing up - whereas we couldn't keep her sunglasses on her face in the past, we couldn't take it off of her on this trip.
兩個月前的影片了。小丫頭常常跟我們討“秀秀”(台語疼一下的意思),也到處“秀秀”一堆有的沒的人事物。真是愛心汎濫:P The video was from 2 months ago. Hannah often asks us to "shiushiu" her (Taiwanese for caress/love). She also "shiushiu"s many random people/things that came her way. A baby full of love :)
Who said girls can't chase after boys? Hannah demonstrates how to do just that - and how to completely disregard the guy's reluctance and fright while she's at it.
幾個月前(可見媽媽更新的有多慢。。。)的商業周刊封面小女孩長得真的有點像小努力。 丫頭被我們一說,也以爲上面的女孩是她。 當期的雜誌是在說小朋友迷ipad, ipad改變教育等事。。。真是超適合我們Hannah。 The girl on the cover of Taiwan's Business Week magazine looks sort of like Hannah. The kiddo even agreed with us! Unsurprisingly, that particular issue talked about kids' ipad addiction and how that's changing the face of education .... hahaha, couldn't have come up with a more fitting topic.