幾個月前(可見媽媽更新的有多慢。。。)的商業周刊封面小女孩長得真的有點像小努力。 丫頭被我們一說,也以爲上面的女孩是她。 當期的雜誌是在說小朋友迷ipad, ipad改變教育等事。。。真是超適合我們Hannah。 The girl on the cover of Taiwan's Business Week magazine looks sort of like Hannah. The kiddo even agreed with us! Unsurprisingly, that particular issue talked about kids' ipad addiction and how that's changing the face of education .... hahaha, couldn't have come up with a more fitting topic.
A little more than 2 weeks ago, Mommy noticed Hannah sitting at the edge of the sofa, stretching her arms down to see if she could reach the ground. When neither of her arms could touch the ground, she reached out to Mommy for help getting off of the sofa.
It was Mommy’s first confirmation that Hannah really understood the dangers of falling ( we have been suspecting it for a while now – since Hannah would play on our bed for a long time without going near the edges).
On a hunch, mommy turned her around and showed her how to get off of the couch feet first. We practiced a couple of times until her interest drift to other toys in the room.
A week later, Mommy caught Hannah attempting to get off of the couch feet first. Mom and Dad were so excited and taped the following video. The last part of the video was taped on the night of the same day at Grandma’s place – when our kiddo was already quite agile at the sport.