
在舅舅懷裏鑽狗洞被跟拍 Got Caught Hiding Under Uncle Su-Yang's Armpit

我不是小豬豬 I'm no piggy


I may be sleepy but I'm no lazy piggy. Don't take pictures of me like this.

帶Hannah去爬山 Hiking with Hannah


We took Hannah along for a short hike. She was endlessly fascinated with the world around her.


瘋狂的大人 Hannah "Driving"



比方説,Hannah 和一般她這個年紀的Baby一樣,躺著會揮揮手手踢踢腳腳,很正常啊。旁人可能覺得稀鬆平常吧。可是到了媽媽阿媽阿姨的眼中,她的運動馬上就有不同的意義。

“哇哇哇!你在練武功啊?你好厲害哦!實在太厲害了!媽媽都不會。” 媽媽超“客觀公允" 的驚嘆。





Hannah has such a magical effect on the family. Since she's been around, pretty much everyone around her became a three year old again. We totally goof around when we spend time with her. Sometimes, Mommy is just certain that if Hannah were able to understand our conversations, she'd think we are all crazy.

Below is a video of Grandma, Mommy and Auntie watching Hannah waiving her hands and legs. Now, most people would think that's an ordinary thing for an infant to do - but Grandma had the brilliant idea that our Hannah was actually not just randomly flinging her limbs, but ...DRIVING!! 

Just look at her - she's totally trying to control her steering wheels and steping on the break/gas pedal.

Mommy made some independent observations of Hannah's movements and confirmed without bias that Grandma was completely right!

So we all became really excited that our two month old can "drive" now and kept on trying to make her show off her new skill in the video.

A bunch of crazy adults.

什麽都參一腳 Want to Participate in Everything

Hannah 吃定小姨婆了。巴巴的什麽時候都要人家抱。賴皮死了。



小傢伙一邊看小姨婆煮飯,一般就應景的自己先啃起自己的小雞翅了 - 將來一定是個會偷菜吃的小胖丫頭。

Hannah has Grand Auntie wrapped around her little fingers - making Grand Auntie hold her all the time. Meal prep is no excuse!!

She will even chew on her own "baby wings" while watching Grand Auntie cook - a self reliant little one.


跟小阿姨撒嬌 Stick Like Glue to Little Auntie

Hannah 想無尾熊一樣賴在人身上時,真是讓人難以拒絕。

So hard to resist Hannah when she hold on to you this way.

嬰兒洗脖子 How to Wash Hannah's Neck

奶奶示範怎麽洗米其林寶寶的脖子。小胖丫頭胖到連脖子都不見啦 - 肉肉下巴下面還會藏一堆污垢,媽媽想幫她清,她叫的活像媽媽在殺小豬 - 奶奶的技術就高超多了,她竟然連吭都不吭。

Grandma demonstrates how to properly bathe a baby. Chubby Hannah often accumulates dirt/dead skin in the creases of her neck. Whenever Mommy tries to clean it for her, she screams like a little piggy being slaughtered. Grandmas skills are clearly superior in this regard.


不要弄我啦 Don't Mess with Me

在遇到蚊子之前,Hannah 的世界真是一片美好。每個人都寵她,逗她開心,隨她差遣。




也不知道是蚊子的教訓,還是長大了,Hannah 從那不久以後遇到“不歡迎的觸碰”(手指戳她的臉啦,騷她的癢啦)就開始會揮著小胖手踢著小胖腳趕走人家。



Hannah's baby soft skin attracts more mosquito than anyone else in the family. She once got more than 30 bite marks on her  face and hands overnight when everyone else in the house barely got affected. Grandma and Grandpa from Gaoxiong had to come to her rescue with a new set of mosquito nets.

Not sure whether it's the learning from the mosquito experience, Hannah will now wave and kick to keep off any unwelcomed poke/tickle with her chubby arms and legs (see video below - Auntie Xuanxuan tickling Hannah). Maybe that's why Hannah remained untouched when Mommy received several mosquito kisses this weekend.

學唱歌II Learning to Sing II

這兩天在新店阿媽家,阿媽常常和Hannah玩唱歌遊戲- 當然是唱Hannah能發出音的‘啊啊歌’啦。

Hannah 跟別人都不太肯唱,跟新店阿媽倒是很認真的想要把歌唱好。所以教唱歌就變成新店阿媽的絕活啦。

比起一個月前,Hannah 現在好像知道這首“歌"是有好幾個“啊”組成的,而且音都不一樣。所以她現在每次跟著阿媽唱,都不是像以前只念一兩聲“啊”。都會很認真的連發一長串的“啊”音。



Hannah had a few days of intensive singing lessons with grandma this week - singing "ah" up and down the scale again. She really only responds to Grandma as far as singing lessons go.

She now seems to grasp that there are multiple "ah"s in her "song" - so you hear a string of "ah"s from her each time she sings (instead of only one or two "ah"s as before).

Sometimes, Hannah also seems to observe that she's terribly out of tune (or at least that her "singing" is not quite the same as that of grandma's); that's when you see her frowning and attempting to adjust her tongue/the shape of her mouth to imitate better.

She would even choke on her own saliva in her attempt. Now, that's dedication.

Since Hannah's singing lessons occur at random times of the day at random locations, mommy often was only able to catch the last parts of them (if at all). So here is a short compilation.

Hannah 愛“讀書”Hannah "Reading"




Mommy had bought a bunch of baby picture books for Hannah; but she showed no interest in them when she was one month old.

The books got shelved quickly without Hannah's blessings.

When mommy remembered the books again this week, Hannah was ready (at least ready to stare at the pictures). She would even 'comment' on the pictures endlessly - using words no one understands.

Mom and Dad are overjoyed to find another energy saving way to entertain Hannah - anything other than being her 'human-horse' for 3 hours is a salvation.

超級愛笑的 Happy all the time

Hannah 越來越愛笑了,跟人玩的時候、早上起床的時候、笑的咯滋咯滋的,特別歡暢無憂。真是一個快樂寶寶。

Hannah is such a happy baby. She laughs and smiles a lot now - especially in the morning and when played with. She has such a carefree and joyful smile.


睡覺大作戰 Bedtime Battles

讓小胖丫頭睡覺,有時候真是場硬仗,她精力旺盛的時候,大人們就慘啦 - 明明睡覺時間已經到了,她卻興致勃勃的對著你傻笑,要你陪她玩。



Sometimes we truly have to fight to get Hannah to sleep. The little imp would smile innocently and look at you with such interest and delight, as if to say: "Time to play? You want to play with me?"

Ah, bedtime battles are no cake walks - and victories must be documented with pictures.

I surrender by sleeping like a little piggy.
I can't believe I lost again.

How did I lose the battle this time?

Total surrender.

Here we go again, I can't believe it's another bedtime bottle. 

I shall fight off sleep with my paci sword.