
Hannah游狗爬式 Hannah Swam Doggie Style

















附上新店阿公在Hannah狗爬式游完後與小胖丫頭的對話一段 - 游臺灣海峽???!!! 看來主觀的不是只有媽媽而已。。。。哈哈哈!

Hannah now knows how to swim doggie style! Mommy and auntie cheered and celebrated like she just won her 9th Olympic gold medal.

Seriously, Mommy wasn't this excited watching Phelps swam in Beijing.

On the way back to Keelung, Mommy broke the news to Daddy: "Hannah can swim doggie style now! I taped it!! You want to watch it??"

As soon as Mom and Dad got home ... "You want to watch Hannah swim doggie style??"

"Okay, but I will take a shower first."

As soon as Daddy got out of the shower ... "You want to watch Hannah swim doggie style??"

Daddy couldn't help but broke out in laughter: "Yes. Is it really that good?"

"Yes." Mommy replied in all seriousness and played the clip.

Daddy almost laughed his head off after watching the video.

"What's so funny??!"

"YOU are so funny. Hannah just crawled around in water a bit and you girls went nuts. It's not that special. I'd be impressed if she can do the dishes for me right now."


Hey! Enjoy this opportunity to be subjective when you can. There won't be a shortage of days when Hannah will be  "objectively" compared to others ... grades, activities, abilities ... you name it. It gets a lot harder to impress when you grow up. So have a little fun for now :) ...

... But then again, to teach Hannah humbleness and good work ethic, mommy knows she will have to tune down her subjective pride at some point .

For now though (and for fun), Mommy declares without any bias what-so-ever: "Hannah is the best doggie style swimmer in the world!" 


Attached please also see Grandpa's conversation with Hannah after her 'amazing' feat... He's making an appointment with her to swim across the Taiwan Strait and ... the Pacific Ocean(!!) one day.

Okay, there.

A second opinion. 

I told you I am unbiased! ;)