
開始喜歡飛高高 Playing with Grandma

Hannah 開始喜歡玩飛高高了(出生的時候不覺得她特別愛玩這個,現在明顯開始喜歡玩“溫柔版”的飛高高了)。小胖妞自己要出力的健身不愛玩,別人要出力的玩意兒就特別愛玩。。。真是精明啊。

Hannah enjoys activities that demand efforts from parties other than herself (thus, no to tummy time and yes to Grandma facilitated flights). She's indeed our daughter :P


健身時間大罷工 Tummy Time on Strike


Hannah shall not be manipulated - she refused to perform on her 3rd tummy time - she may be young but she has learned that swimming generally doesn't get her anywhere on land. (Mr. Giraffe in front of camera is dumb founded watching an infant going on strike).

健身時間 Tummy Time

第一個孩子照書養,Hannah 現在每天都有健身時間,其實主要就是趴在地上,理論上來説,小孩會擡頭,用手撐地,加強頸部和手的肌肉。可能是才開始(這是第二次),咱們小胖妞好像拿不太到竅門,表演的活像是在旱地溺水。

Perhaps due to lack of practice (this is her second time), Hannah's tummy time basically looks like she's drowning on land.


補 - Alan小哥哥 & Emily小姐姐 到香港找 Hannah (Cousins Alan & Emily visit Hannah in Hong Kong)

補記一下Alan 和 Emily 來找 Hannah 的 影片。Hannah 那時候2周大。 可以感覺小哥哥小姐姐覺得Hannah 好新鮮哦。小朋友真是可愛。

This video is from April when Hannah was just 2 weeks old. Cousins Alan and Emily came to visit and were thrilled with the novelty of a new baby. Kids are so cute! 

千金小姐 Diaper Attack

養了小孩才知道要換的尿布這麽多。Hannah 天天快樂、天真、大方、無辜的送媽媽黃金千兩 - 真是生了個千金小姐啊。



媽媽百忙之中還記得拍照留罪證 - 只是這個小混球一臉“我做了什麽嗎?”的無辜 - 可見文明還是需要教化的。

Hannah blew through her diaper with so much poop that just by the sound of the business, we knew it would require a bath to clean up.

Here she is - looking all innocent when we picked her up along with her changing pad on our way to the bathroom.


餓拳 Hungry Kongfu



以下影片紀念一下Hannah的半夜“餓拳”(醉了打拳叫醉拳,餓了打拳就叫餓拳吧)。媽媽是被他吵醒準備好奶才開始錄,所以只拍到尾聲 - 那時她已經快哭了。

Before Hannah gets up in the middle of the night due to hunger, she usually performs some Kungfu moves with eyes closed first. It is as if she could literally fight off hunger.

We've learned to leap into action and get her milk prepared as soon as she starts her Kungfu session - as the session would be followed by all-out-wail if milk does not intercede before its end.

Below is a video of Hannah's Kungfu session. As you can see - the session is near its end and Hannah is about to explode into tears - Mom missed the beginning as she had to get milk preped before she started videotaping.

No one dares to risk Hannah's Kungfu session ending without milk.

學唱歌 Learning to Sing

Hannah 出生一個多禮拜,新店阿媽就發現她特喜歡聼人説話,聼不懂但是超認真。







Hannah太幸運了,所有的人都卯起來變花樣跟她玩,只是五花八門的對話和歌曲,常常聼的她耳花繚亂 - 用崇拜又有點不解的表情,張大嘴巴傻傻的看我們在那裏舌燦蓮花。


Hannah五個禮拜大的時候,新店阿媽靈機一動,索性抱起她用啊啊啊唱音階- 因爲啊不用動舌頭。



We discovered early on that Hannah loves listening to conversations and songs. Once, she even protested vigorously in my arms each time I paused singing!

Miss. Yeung's preference has sent everyone in the family scrambling to perfect their monologue skills and learn songs we otherwise have no interest in.

Auntie Xuanxuan went online to learn a whole collection of nursery rhymes and gave Hannah an entire morning of free performance.

Auntie Ruby busted out her incredible monologue skills (mainly perfected by years of talking to her stuffed animals daily). She can talk about everything under the sun with Hannah and was pleased that Hannah is more responsive to her than her toy bears are.

Everyone came with their own bag of tricks to entertain Hannah. Hannah is mesmerized and looks at us in awe when we talk and sing.

Frankly, at her age, her tongue is too big relative to her jaw for her to pronounce the vast majority of the sounds that came out of our mouths.

When Hannah turned 5 weeks old, Grandma had the brilliant idea of singing "Ah" up the scale to Hannah - since pronouncing "Ah" does not require tongue movement.

Lo and behold, Hannah listened intently and started to make efforts to sing along. We all got a big kick out of it.

Singing is now one of Grandma's favorite games to play with Hannah.

救苦救難觀世音菩薩 - Life Saving Play Mat





真是人類偉大的發明。我們戲稱這個玩具為“救苦救難觀世音菩薩”-- 哈哈哈,可見大家這幾天伺候小傢伙伺候的多狼狽。我們真是太沒用了,慚愧啊。

As Hannah grew, her need for us to constantly entertain her grew with her. Everyone became sort of overwhelmed after a while.

You can imagine the delight when we found that Hannah can entertain herself for 20-40 minutes at a time on her play mat - kicking/grabbing/looking at the toys above her and looking at herself and the toys in the mirrors on two sides.

We jokingly call the play mat "The Savior".

好奇寶寶 - I want to see!!

Hannah 是個好奇寶寶(見天才爸爸事件2)。從兩個禮拜開始,基本上只要是新的環境、新的人,她都會兩眼睜的大大的研究,非常認真的樣子。新店阿媽常常驚嘆:“你還真的看得懂啊?那麽認真。”




前兩天,鏘鏘鏘。。。好奇寶寶走運了 - 媽媽晚上把她帶到龍潭姨婆家。






爸爸是眼科醫師的Hannah小姐一看不到,就立刻診斷出這不是視網膜、黃斑部、眼壓、眼内炎等諸多問題,主要是 - 被擋住了!!!!


於是Hannah就很快的把頭撇開 - 不要擋住我啦!!!


只見燕燕阿姨擋Hannah視線的手越動越快,Hannah的頭就越躲越快,把大家都逗樂了。媽媽趕快找出相機,拍下“燕燕阿姨鬥Hannah” 的最後一段。

Hannah is a very curious baby (see Clever Daddy incident 2). She loves new environments and would study them with such intensity that Grandma often couldn't resist asking her: "Do you really understand what you are seeing?"

Whenever we've exhausted our bag of tricks to appease her, 95% of the time, we just have to take her to an unfamiliar room/space to get her to stop crying immediately. In a new space, we often could literally hold her any method we wish, not talk or play with her, and she'd still be perfectly content rolling her eyes and her little head around checking out the new place. No time to cry now - you adults need to find other ways to entertain yourselves.

Two days ago, Mommy took Hannah to her auntie's house - which she's never been.

Boy, so much to see!! Hannah was perfectly quiet being carried around by her Grand Auntie - no need for food, diaper change, or entertainment. No desire to sleep past her bedtime.

Most amazingly, even after she was put down on the sofa, she remained quiet, alert and content without needing anyone to engage her.

"Goodness, she's really soaking this place up." Mommy and Auntie Xuanxuan commented.

Auntie Yanyan proceeded to block Hannah's vision with her hand to test whether Hannah was really looking. Hannah turned her head to dodge Auntie Yanyan's hand. Auntie Yanyan's hand followed Hannah's eyes to block them again...

Hence commenced the Hand-Eye chase in the video below.

天才爸爸 Clever Daddy

都說一個領域的新人常常能帶來從所未有的創意 - 作爲新手爸媽,爸爸媽媽的創意也不少- 有些讓阿公阿媽姨婆舅公們覺得有意思,有些則讓大家想要想要敲我們兩個的大頭。












New people often bring new ideas to a field. Well, as rookies in the field of parenting, we've got plenty of creative ideas - some win more approval than others; and some are just plain funny. Since Mommy is the one writing the blog, let's just share a couple of Daddy's creative ideas for laughs.

1. Before Hannah was born, Mommy had heard that children would sometimes get up too early (and, therefore, get their parents up too early) if their bedroom windows let in too much sun. To prevent this serious problem, Mommy quickly secured a large roll of 100% light proof window treatment fabric and consulted with Daddy: "What do you think? Should we change our drapes?"

Hannah's brilliant dad: “No. We just have to cover her with that fabric."

I guess that would indeed be less work.

2. Hannah's curiosity became evident to all her caretakers 2 weeks after birth. She would really study her environment, make people take her to see new rooms or different angles of the same room and even swing her head so she might get a different/better view.

In case you might have trouble understanding her, she would kick, yell, wave, cry ... until you oblige. "Thou shalt not be dumb or slothful." says her Highness.

Everyone in the house is Hannah's human horse now - make no mistake, it's a ton of work to endlessly carry a wiggly 5kg+ baby everywhere - no bathroom break, no meal time, no sitting down for a little bit ...no slacking.

One night when Hannah started yelling during dinner at Grandma's place, Mommy turned to Daddy: "She wants to see from a different angle now, could you take her around?" 

A light bulb went off in Daddy's head: "We need to get a lazy susan and put her on it. This way, she'll be exposed to all sorts of angles as everyone turn that thing to get their food ... and we will actually be able to eat!”


I married a genius.

Below are pics of Daddy giving Hannah a spanky (burping her). He's pretty good, huhh?!


靠靠 Clingy


Hannah survives by clinging onto anyone who would let her.

滿月 One Month Old

Hannah 滿月已經過17天了。媽媽懷孕時就想幫她記錄一下成長,結果Hannah一生下來,全家就忙的天翻地覆。每天好像也沒什麽事,可是光是弄她的吃喝拉撒,外加哄哄小傢伙,就累死了。現在來補記錄一下吧。

滿月體重:4.8kg vs. 出生時3.3kg
滿月身高:56cm vs. 出生時 49cm


10天左右 換尿片會把兩隻腳擡起來等大人換,明顯喜歡聼人説話
18 回到臺灣,第一次發現她對新的地方充滿好奇,會啊啊啊的要求大人帶她到處看 從此每天都需要帶她到處看 真是可愛又可怕。
25 脖子越來越有力氣了,抱和趴的時候有時可以成功的把頭換邊。
27 會跟著聲音轉頭,看看誰在説話。聼人家説話,可以非常專心的聼很久,超有興趣的。


Hannah’s really subjected everyone to slaving after her in the little while she’s been in this world. Her mom and grandma’s life objectives have tentatively simplified to 3 goals: keeping Hannah fed, changed, and not crying … and we are barely making it (and sleep deprived too). Babies are so much work!

Lucky for Hannah that she’s so incredibly adorable – her mother, for one, would confess that any other project requiring this much work would be abandoned or be up for some serious corner cutting or other forms of abuse immediately.  

My grand realization thus far: Yes! It’s really true: You have to teach babies everything (except crying and pooping).  According to the books, we have lessons like “using your neck”, “fine motor skills” …etc. to look forward to teaching her. I didn’t think these skills need to be taught! But then what if Hannah grows up unable to use her finger to scrape cookie dough from a bowl ... that would certainly leave some permanent emotional scars. So we better get some formal lessons ready.

Hannah did learn/become better at a few things on her own during her first month of life (Thank goodness). For those who care, here’s the short list:

1.      Hannah laughs/smiles a lot more now, especially in the morning. She will smile back at people smiling at her when she’s in a good mood.
2.      Hannah knows to raise her legs when we change her or when she wants to be changed.
3.      Hannah tracks people and voices with her eyes and loves listening to conversations.
4.      Hannah loves to look around and would demand that the person holding her patrol the house so she could check out her environment.
5.      Hannah will grab the shirts (or the skin) of the person holding her to enhance the safety of her position (or so her mom thinks).
6.      Hannah has started to lift her head. Her arms and legs are also a lot stronger now.

Also, Hannah gained 3.3 lbs and grew 2.75 inches in her first month.

All in all, we survived the first month. Let’s hope things become easier from here – as we can’t imagine what harder would be like.