
美女與野獸 Beauty & the Beast


Mommy dressed me up and I sat pretty posing for the camera.

不過不要被我偶爾的斯文騙了 - 骨子裏我根本是個小野獸。看我吃飯的樣子就知道了- 原始的很呢。

But do not be fooled - there is a beast inside of me. Just look at my table manners and you'll understand.

不好意思啦!俗話説的好,沒有丑女人,只有懶女人。小美女我要保持青春美麗,只有靠敷臉了 - 只是別人是敷小黃瓜- 我是媽媽給我的食物統統敷上去。像以上的南瓜面膜,我就很推薦。

Okay, the above pictures are of me putting on a pumpkin mask to maintain my youthful appearance. Make no mistake, beauty is hard work!