
Hannah 健身運動之游泳篇 Hannah Swimming





Environmentally conscious Grandma and Grandpa use solar power to heat water for their household need. They even recycle their water to water their roof top garden.

Brutal Taiwanese summer heat means an excess of solar power and higher watering needs from the garden at Grandma and Grandpa's house. All these make an excellent excuse for Hannah to enjoy a daily warm water "swimming" experience at Grandma and Grandpa's place.

Hannah loves swimming! It's an exhausting sport - prompting her to nap and drink a huge bottle of milk afterwards. But you hear no complaints from her - unlike her tummy time protests.

Hannah 健身運動之伏地挺身篇 Tummy Time III - more persistent

Hannah 現在越來越有力氣了。讓她趴著,她會認真努力地想要挺起來,可以持續十幾分鈡呢。


Hannah is now much more persistent during her neck muscle workout during her tummy time. However, lazy mommy has yet to capture a video of Hannah lifting her head up high (even though she has done it several times already).

For now, a video from 2-3 weeks back will suffice - at least mommy captured her effort!