
採紅棗 Picking Jujube Berries



爸爸媽媽帶Hannah與大伯一家去溪頭玩,玩完開車囘臺北的路上,媽媽提議要停苗栗公館採紅棗。一方面媽媽超好奇,二方面小胖丫頭也需要下來活動活動 -  要她從溪頭直接坐到臺北不閙,是不可能的啦。


1. 高度剛好讓小鬼自己可以採到一些紅棗,她還得動動小腦筋,努力找自己摘的到的。小鬼認真極了,到最後找紅棗找到幾乎都是仰著頭走路。

2. 紅棗不貴,一斤100,可是每顆都很輕(水含量不高),我們摘了老半天總共也才摘200元。所以我們可以隨便放小丫頭亂摘她搆得到的果子,熟不熟都沒關係,盡量摘,反正全買回家。。。而她當然都是摘最不熟的。如果是水蜜桃,可能就沒法子讓她這樣亂搞啦。




We went jujube berry picking this past Monday as we drove up from Xitou afer our mini vacation with Ling's brother's family.

This is a very nice fruit picking activity for kids - especially for Hannah. The fruits are not too expensive for her destructive force - so if she picked a bunch of unripe berries - that's fine, we'll just pay for those. They are just the right size for her hand and strength and she could reach the low hanging ones walking around on her own. The berries are hard - so we didn't end up with a squishy mess. Hannah quickly got that she should be picking the berries and dumping them into the bucket. The girl spent a good hour+ walking around totally entertained with berry picking ... and another 30 min or so chasing ducks before we adults wanted to leave.

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