
洗手 wash hands




這麽小就這麽會找機會偷懶啦,會看時機,看人表演啦。。。小混蛋你真是太小看你爸媽了!你爹娘是鉄了心肝準備跟你鬥了。。。 念書,寫字,做家事。。。放馬過來吧!小丫頭你是踢到鐵板了。



好笑的事,小傢伙做完不喜歡的差事,媽媽都會跟她說:“Thank you!" 導致"Thank you!" 現在對他來説就是苦差事的同義詞。討厭做什麽事,她就不停“Thank you! Thank you!" 的抱怨。。。真是好好笑哦!

Now that she's older, we have started to assign Hannah responsibilities such as putting away her own toys, books and trash, washing her hands, and putting on and taking off her shoes and socks etc. She usually starts to protest as soon as the novelty of any new chore wears off; and the protests become especially dramatic, complete with tears and screams, when she feels there is an audience for her plight (e.g. grandma and grandpa are in the room). But, when the reality of no escaping from her chores dawns on her, she'd do them without complaints. Mommy and daddy are determined to win every battle from here on out. 

Below is a video (from 2 months ago) of Hannah protesting having to wash her own hands. She has accepted that chore since then.

BTW, because Mommy made it a point to thank her after she completes her chores, she now thinks "thank you!" is synonymous with "annoying chores". Funny little kid.

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