
好奇寶寶 - I want to see!!

Hannah 是個好奇寶寶(見天才爸爸事件2)。從兩個禮拜開始,基本上只要是新的環境、新的人,她都會兩眼睜的大大的研究,非常認真的樣子。新店阿媽常常驚嘆:“你還真的看得懂啊?那麽認真。”




前兩天,鏘鏘鏘。。。好奇寶寶走運了 - 媽媽晚上把她帶到龍潭姨婆家。






爸爸是眼科醫師的Hannah小姐一看不到,就立刻診斷出這不是視網膜、黃斑部、眼壓、眼内炎等諸多問題,主要是 - 被擋住了!!!!


於是Hannah就很快的把頭撇開 - 不要擋住我啦!!!


只見燕燕阿姨擋Hannah視線的手越動越快,Hannah的頭就越躲越快,把大家都逗樂了。媽媽趕快找出相機,拍下“燕燕阿姨鬥Hannah” 的最後一段。

Hannah is a very curious baby (see Clever Daddy incident 2). She loves new environments and would study them with such intensity that Grandma often couldn't resist asking her: "Do you really understand what you are seeing?"

Whenever we've exhausted our bag of tricks to appease her, 95% of the time, we just have to take her to an unfamiliar room/space to get her to stop crying immediately. In a new space, we often could literally hold her any method we wish, not talk or play with her, and she'd still be perfectly content rolling her eyes and her little head around checking out the new place. No time to cry now - you adults need to find other ways to entertain yourselves.

Two days ago, Mommy took Hannah to her auntie's house - which she's never been.

Boy, so much to see!! Hannah was perfectly quiet being carried around by her Grand Auntie - no need for food, diaper change, or entertainment. No desire to sleep past her bedtime.

Most amazingly, even after she was put down on the sofa, she remained quiet, alert and content without needing anyone to engage her.

"Goodness, she's really soaking this place up." Mommy and Auntie Xuanxuan commented.

Auntie Yanyan proceeded to block Hannah's vision with her hand to test whether Hannah was really looking. Hannah turned her head to dodge Auntie Yanyan's hand. Auntie Yanyan's hand followed Hannah's eyes to block them again...

Hence commenced the Hand-Eye chase in the video below.

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